Customize Your Blog Search Using Google Custom Search Engine

When we do a comparison between Google and other search engine, clearly Google possess the upper hand by a fare long margin. Google is the most dependable and admirable searchengine ever born till date thus, it is more commonly known as the search engine giant. The biggest reason behind its success is frequent development in its searching abilities.  If you have observed those blogger templates which has custom searching gadgets, then you may have observed that they are incapable of displaying relevant results. Those searching gadgets possess limited functionality due to which, they are not capable to search the whole blog (each and every word) they work on the basis of post titles. The Best solution is to use Google Search Engine (GSE) which digs the most relevant data from your Blog and displays it to your visitors.

This will decrease your Bounce Rate because your visitors will get most desirable results according to their needs. Furthermore, you can even integrate your AdSense account to your Google Custom Search which will display relevant advertisement related to the searched term. The preview of this widget can be viewed at the top of the sidebar in this (MBL) Blog. So without any further delay let’s create and install Attractive Google Search Boxes for your Blog.