4th Anniversary of MyBloggerLab - Start of a New Journey
Monday, January 4, 2016
Dear MyBloggerLab Readers,
We started this company with a promise to ourselves that we will provide quality Blogger resources to users, and with each year passing by we improved greatly in our services. The company, which was started in 2012 has now completed its 4 years. Yes, a company that was a newly started blog 4 years ago have become one of the most reliable, leading and popular Blogger Resource site helping thousands of users each month. With all such success there comes downfall as well, because of lack of new content MyBloggerLab saw some downfalls in traffic and earning as well. However, we still put up a great 2015 for our users who always support us whenever was needed. I personally like to thank you for your comments, tweets, likes, Google +1s, everything you did to support your favorite blog to help us grow. You indeed made us a popular blog.
In the past 4 years, we have grown a lot with a list of never ending achievements. This thing kept us on improving every year. Consider the following achievements we have made till date:
Obviously, these are just a few ones that I selected. However, feel free to look through our achievements page and discover the all articles of MyBloggerLab published in 2015.
Following is the screenshot of the award (certificate) Syed Faizan Ali recieved from Google for conducting a workshop for the Google Student ambassador program, Pakistan.
Following is the newspaper cutout of Syed Faizan Ali's interview published in Technology Times local weekly newspaper from Pakistan.

We started this company with a promise to ourselves that we will provide quality Blogger resources to users, and with each year passing by we improved greatly in our services. The company, which was started in 2012 has now completed its 4 years. Yes, a company that was a newly started blog 4 years ago have become one of the most reliable, leading and popular Blogger Resource site helping thousands of users each month. With all such success there comes downfall as well, because of lack of new content MyBloggerLab saw some downfalls in traffic and earning as well. However, we still put up a great 2015 for our users who always support us whenever was needed. I personally like to thank you for your comments, tweets, likes, Google +1s, everything you did to support your favorite blog to help us grow. You indeed made us a popular blog.
It is time we set new goals and plans about the future of MyBloggerLab. We are hoping to provide even better content and services in future. It is 2016, where almost everything Is changing so we need to change our way of thinking as well to compete and win against the millions of other websites.
- For a small startup managed by a 16 year old student, it was almost impossible to become a Premium BuySellAds Publisher but we made it possible within 6 months.
- We are the #1 Blogger resource sites (we only provide Blogger.com/BlogSpot related content and tutorials).
- In 2015, MyBloggerLab was listed in Dmoz Web design/Development WeBlogs category where only 30 other blogs are listed out of the whole internet.
- In 2013, we started our sister site Templateism.com with the aim to provide Premium Blogger templates for FREE, and Which is now the #1 site for providing Blogger templates.
- Our founder Syed was invited on several educational institutions of Pakistan to share his thoughts, story and insight about Entrepreneurship. In 2013, he was invited at Karachi University. In 2014, he was invited at IBA (Instituted of Business Administration) Karachi. In 2015, he was invited at Sir Syed University Karachi.
- In 2015, we also conducted an online workshop for the Google Student Ambassador Program, Pakistan about “How teens can make money online using Blogger.com”.
- In 2015, Syed got his interview published in a local technology newspaper and the newspaper awarded him with the title of Emerging Successful Entrepreneur of Pakistan.
- How to Add Voice Search Widget in Blogger
- How to Select Text and Share it to Twitter Widget in Blogger
- What is a Blog Archive? How to Create an Archive in Blogger
- How to Add Whatsapp Share Button in Blogger
- How to Add a PayPal Donate Button in Blogger
- How to Break your Post into Multiple Pages in Blogger
- 19 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Blogger Post Editor
- How to Create a Sticky Post on Homepage in Blogger
- How to Add an Analog Clock Widget in Blogger
Obviously, these are just a few ones that I selected. However, feel free to look through our achievements page and discover the all articles of MyBloggerLab published in 2015.
Following is the screenshot of the award (certificate) Syed Faizan Ali recieved from Google for conducting a workshop for the Google Student ambassador program, Pakistan.

Once again, I would like to thank every single person who helped us grow and maintained their support throughout these years. I would like to acknowledge each and every user who ever shared, liked or commented on our articles. We hope this New Year 2016 would be a memorable year for Blogger as we are working on developing new templates, widgets, tutorials, etc. if anyone has any suggestion then, just message us on our Facebook Page, Tweet us @mybloggerlab or use our contact us form.
Yours Truly,
Syed Faizan Ali
Founder of MyBloggerLab